Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Let’s get physical

Thought playgrounds were just for small children? Think again.

A new playground designed specifically for fun-loving over 65s has opened in north Manchester, kitted out with equipment to give people a gentle workout.

The £15,000 Older People’s Play Area has six pieces of equipment, such as a ski-walker, that strengthen hips, tone legs and the upper body.

It goes to show that you’re never too old to play. I’m sure many grandparents have watched enviously as their grandchildren played on swings and slides, never daring to have a go themselves. But now they have their chance without having to feel self-conscious.

While this may sound a bit frivolous, there is a serious point to the playground. Regular, but gentle, exercise is important to help keep older people healthy and mobile, yet most don’t do enough. If something like this, which is fun and quirky, can help older people to become more active, then it should be applauded.

Who knows, perhaps in the future it will be granny pestering the kids to go to the playground and not vice versa?

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